
Evaluation of Europeana
The European Commission has published the results of the Evaluation of Europeana contract, performed by CARSA. The evaluation provides factual evidence for assessing Europeana and the scoping of orientations for its future development.

CARSA is implementing the European Commission’s initiative ‘Digital Innovation Hubs Network’
The objective of the initiative is to create the first European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Digital Transformation Scoreboard 2018
The Digital Transformation Scoreboard 2018, developed by PwC, CARSA and Idate, has been published.

CARSA contracted for the 6th year in a row to carry out the SME Performance Review
For the 6th consecutive year, CARSA and its partners have been awarded the contract to carry out the SME Performance Review.

Transforming regions and cities into launch-pads of digital transformation and industrial modernisation
Together with its partners, CARSA has been recently awarded a contract by the European Commission, The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)

Evaluation of Europeana
CARSA has been hired by the European Commission, DG Connect, to support the evaluation of Europeana and to provide guidelines for its future development.

Digital Transformation Scoreboard released at the Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum
The Digital Transformation Scoreboard 2017, developed by PwC and CARSA, was presented today at the first European Stakeholder Forum for the Digitising European Industry initiative in Essen, Germany.

Evaluation of Artemis, ENIAC and ECSEL JU programmes
CARSA and its partners have been contracted by the European Commission, DG CONNECT, to support the Evaluation of the Artemis, ENIAC and ECSEL JU programmes.

European Investment Bank Advisory Services
CARSA and its partners have been awarded the framework contract to provide Advisory Services to the European Investment Bank covering the topics smart growth, social infrastructure and Horizon 2020.

CARSA realiza el plan de acción del sector de Business Process Outsourcing & Offshoring
El lunes 16 de mayo de 2016 se desarrolló en las instalaciones de Zona Franca Santander la socialización de la propuesta de reformulación del plan de acción del sector de Business Process Outsourcing & Offshoring – BPO&O, liderado por el PTP y realizado por CARSA, Consultora estratégica en gestión de la innovación con gran trayectoria en el mercado Internacional.