CARSA leads the Acceleration Programme FABulous

CARSA, the innovation management consultant with longer experience in Spain, manages the Acceleration Programme FABulous. This Programme has 5.4 Million € to finance, through 2 Open Calls, 150 SMEs and startups which present business launching projects (entrepreneurship) or implementation of new internet business line in the 3D Printing environment.
FABulous is one of the 16 accelerators within FIWARE Accelerate initiative of the European Commission, which offers a unique opportunity to European SMEs and entrepreneurs in the development of innovative applications and services of the Future Internet. Specifically, those entrepreneurs and SMEs which are part of the Acceleration Programme, will receive not only repayable funding, but also training and technical support, as networking and consultancy services to develop their model and business plan.
The programme is structured to support with 18.000€ a first phase of development of 4 months duration (Phase 1), after which, those considered as the best projects, will be funded with additional 60.000€, during the 8 following months (Phase 2). At that point, the 10 best projects will continue in the acceleration programme during 6 months, and will count with a final support of 40.000€ to develop a new web business for 3D Printing (Phase 3).
FABulous will launch two Open Calls, in which SMEs and entrepreneurs will present their innovative ideas. In the first call, from November to middle of December 2014, the first 100 projects of the Acceleration Programme will be selected. Once the Phase 1 is finished, experts will evaluate the evolution, and will select the 30 to be part of the next phase. The last phase of FABulous will only include the 10 best projects. The second Open Call will be launched in June 2015, and will consist only of Phase 1 and 2, with a selection and funding process identical to the first one. In this Open Call, will be 50 projects during the Phase 1 and 9 during Phase 2.
SMEs and entrepreneurs who want to start a web business in 3D Printing, and enjoy the benefits of Programme Acceleration FABulous, will find all the information to send their proposals in the website