CARSA reports findings of contract work to UK Trade & Investment

CARSA was recently awarded a contract by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to identify and prioritise target Spanish companies and specific opportunities in the Spanish Automotive Industry for high value inward investment to the UK.
As an agency of the UK Government, UKTI works with UK based businesses to ensure their success in international markets through exports, and also encourages and supports overseas companies to look at the UK as the best place to set up and expand their business.
CARSA was contracted to deliver a series of secondary research and analysis services to research companies in the Spanish automotive industry, to match their products/services and capabilities with the needs of the UK automotive supply chain, and to identify those companies with the potential for high value inward investment to the UK. The success of CARSA’s work led to UKTI requesting the delivery of a further set of primary research services, including a communication campaign, a survey of target companies, and interviews with key management personnel. To aid data collection and analysis, CARSA used two in-house tools:
- DIATEC – CARSA’s business assessment tool; and
- EVALMASTER – CARSA’s survey management and results analysis tool.
CARSA presented a final report on the findings of the completed contract work last month, which UKTI have described as “a fantastic job” and “one of the best reports we have seen”, when compared to similar contracts completed across Europe. The results of CARSA’s work form a significant part of the groundwork that will enable UKTI to achieve one of its key objectives – to encourage overseas companies to set up and expand their businesses in the UK.
New forms of collaboration and innovation, and their business value, are currently being explored to expand and improve Spanish industry in global markets. As a leading expert in innovation and internationalisation, CARSA’s extensive experience continues to help businesses around the world to internationalise their operations in increasingly globalised and competitive markets.